When we plant the seeds of enlightenment and nurture them well, we grow Enlightened Human Be-ings who will become Enlightened Human Do-ings for a better world!

General Course Information

Simple and easy to use tools and skills will be provided to fill your toolbox with physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy tools to use to raise enlightened children.

Raising Enlightened Children Course for gifted and twice-exceptional learners is also available.

Contact Melanie Soloway

Phone: (310) 751-8338

Email: Send Email

Course Syllabus

  • SIP ~ Stay In the Present!
  • Teach Self Esteem (encouraging vs. praising children)
  • Set Limits and Stick to Them
  • Understand that all “misbehavior” is our children trying to communicate “something” to us
  • Explore the possibilities of the communication
  • Basic Brain Development and Function
  • Avoid Power Struggles
  • Redirect inappropriate attention seeking behavior
  • If, when or why to apply Consequences
  • Conflict Resolution Skills to promote friendship and Sibling Harmony
  • Implement Family Team Building
  • …And Much More!!!