I searched for many years to find out what was “wrong” with one of my twins…then I met Dr. Dan Peters – a psychologist, author, co-founder and Executive Director of the Summit Center and I learned “what is right with my child”!
Dr. Peters has devoted his career to the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and families, specializing in overcoming worry and fear, learning differences such as dyslexia, and issues related to giftedness and twice-exceptionality. I have been the Parent Educator at the Summit Center since 2013.
I offer workshops and courses specifically for parents who are raising gifted/twice exceptional children.
I am grateful to learn that certain issues in my relationship with my child stem from his ‘giftedness’ that require special attention. Understanding that some behaviors that cause tension are internal for who he is, and are not intended in the way I have been interpreting.
It was a remarkable journey on how to parent, support and be in relationship with our gifted and 2e [twice-exceptional] children. There are more tools that time and the environment is safe and encouraging. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My husband and I had worked our separate ways around our son’s temperament; oblivious to his condition(s) and living in denial that anything was different with our child. We read books and took parenting classes, but still felt we lacked the skills our child needed. Our first step was having him tested. The second step was recognizing he is twice exceptional [2e]. The best step was finding [this course for] gifted and 2e learners. The insights and techniques I gained from this class filled holes that I felt were missing in a traditional approach and allowed our entire family to engage in a much more productive “work” and play! Our son may never be “easy”, but we all continue to be enlightened, educated and eased.
This class has been so eye opening for me and I have learned so much about not just my child, but also myself. Melanie has taught me so many great tools and her approach is so honest, real and supportive. It has been so rewarding to be surrounded by other parents who can truly understand and empathize with my struggles…this was so enlightening and also so incredibly supportive. I felt heard, understood and not judged. I am so grateful that I have met Melanie, what an amazing, compassionate and supportive mom and educator!
Melanie is a fun and charismatic educator with practical strategies and real world answers. Her class is accessible, not overwhelming.